• The problem is: by what theory do we reconcile translation and interpretation of the Bible and Qur’an in order to achieve unity of thought and understanding? We do that by the new Perfect Harmony Theory of Translation and Interpreting where we enhance the role of metaphor to answer and solve this scholarly translation problem that has persisted in the Qur’an for 1400 years!
  • As a Qur’an Scholar, the Qur’an gives you this research task and sets the bar and the standard that: when you find contradictions and discrepancies in the Qur’an, then it is not from Allah! Refs: Sura 4:82. Sura 39:28. Did the research reveal any contradictions and discrepancies as the Qur’an stated? Find out!
  • To the corrupt and rotten Ministers in the Body of Christ, shine the great and bright Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto their cast them out of the fold! It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ said that judgment will begin in the House of God because Satan and his Ministers now dwell in the churches...
  • There are 30 ways to encounter the Voice of God, find out where you are, and use that level more, for your own spiritual advancement in Christ and attainment unto Salvation!
  • To the Minister who is studying the Scriptures, and to the Pastor preparing a sermon, this Thematic Dictionary of Matthew will help you to know and understand all the 183 doctrines that Jesus Christ taught in His Salvation Ministry, so that you can also model your own Ministry after Jesus Christ for effective results.
  • The Law of Writing Scriptures is a detailed instantiation of the Hermeneutics and Exegesis of “Humans writing Holy Scriptures”. It is an extensive and comprehensive report of a complete Holy Bible research from Genesis to Revelation with only one research objective of answering the following theological questions: What are Holy Scriptures and how do they come about? Has Holy Scripture writing ended? When did it end?
  • Christian Pastor, Apostle, Bishop, and Church Leader: Christian Brother and Sister: You have been serving and eating Holy Communion wafers, bread, and wine for many hundred years! Did you know that there are Spiritual Laws that regulate Holy Communion? Have you yourself bothered to search out all the Laws of Holy Communion in order to be convinced that you are doing exactly what the LORD Jesus Christ commanded? If God Almighty should ask you now whether you have 100% Bible justification for the Holy Communion that you do in your church, would your answer be 100% YES? If someone told you that there is something very wrong with your administration of Holy Communion in your church, would you seek clarifying spiritual evidence in the Holy Bible, or, would you simply dismiss the person? As a Pastor, Apostle, Bishop, and Church Leader, if I asked you to tell me the meaning of: THIS DO, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME, would you know? Would you be able to tell me without fail? I expect you to be truthful in Christ, so if you do not know the answer, then, read this Research Textbook: THE LAW OF HOLY COMMUNION, VOL. 3: THIS DO, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME!
  • Christian Pastor, Apostle, Bishop, and Church Leader: Christian Brother and Sister: You have been serving and eating Holy Communion wafers, bread, and wine for many hundred years! Did you know that there are Spiritual Laws that regulate Holy Communion? Have you yourself bothered to search out all the Laws of Holy Communion in order to be convinced that you are doing exactly what the LORD Jesus Christ commanded? If God Almighty should ask you now whether you have 100% Bible justification for the Holy Communion that you do in your church, would your answer be 100% YES? If someone told you that there is something very wrong with your administration of Holy Communion in your church, would you seek clarifying spiritual evidence in the Holy Bible, or, would you simply dismiss the person? As a Pastor, Apostle, Bishop, and Church Leader, if I asked you to tell me the answer to this Bible Question: WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO SUPPLY HOLY COMMUNION BREAD, would you know? Would you be able to tell me without fail? I expect you to be truthful in Christ, so if you do not know the answer, then, read this Research Textbook: THE LAW OF HOLY COMMUNION, VOL. 2: WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO SUPPLY HOLY COMMUNION BREAD?!
  • Dear Readers: Even before the LORD Jesus Christ completed His Ministry here on Earth, many people misunderstood Him, and they even killed Him for their ignorance and doctrinal errors. Now, it has been more than 2000 years since the LORD Jesus Christ resurrected and returned to Heaven. Furthermore, the Word of God reveals that there shall be False Prophets and False Teachers in our day. My question to you, therefore, is this: Even if the Holy Communion that you have been practicing in your church was handed down some 1000 years ago, what makes you think that it was not delivered with error? Where is your Scriptural guarantee that what you call and practice as Holy Communion today was not misunderstood 1000 years ago, was not wrongly taught, was not practiced in error, and was not passed on to you with errors and contradictions against the Holy Bible the Word of God? According to Acts 17:11 KJV in your own Bible, do you have an open mind to see, verify, and research what the Holy Spirit has taught me regarding your Holy Communion, so that, after the Bible Research, you can then make an informed decision either to remain a fool or to become a wise person? Do the exegetical rituals of Holy Communion in all the churches today reflect the hermeneutics that God Almighty established in the Holy Bible? In THE LAW OF HOLY COMMUNION, VOL. 1, I examine one topic and I answer one Bible Question, namely: WHAT LAWS GOVERN HOLY COMMUNION? Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce
  • In six volumes, each of them about 300 pages, I present to you research results, from Genesis–Revelation, on one of the cardinal doctrines of Christianity called Holy Communion, and the results will shock you!
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