DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD
A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven
Prophet of the Word of God
Professor of French, Bowie State University, USA
Silver Spring, MD, USA
Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce holds a Ph.D. in Translation and Interpretation of French and English, with research interest in Translation Theory and Practice, and Sacred Text Analyses of the Bible and Qur’an.
Rev. Dr. Pryce is certified and licensed in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia in School Leadership and Administration I & II.
Rev. Dr. Pryce is a Professor of French at Bowie State University in Maryland, USA.
Prof. Pryce is also a Bilingual Conference Interpreter and he taught Translation and Techniques of Expression in the Department of French, University of Education, Winneba, GHANA. Dr. Pryce also taught Translation and Interpreting (French and English) in the Department of Modern Languages, University of Ghana, LEGON.
Rev. Dr. Pryce often teaches on Radio and TV in the Bible and Qur’an Lecture Series, drawing from his long experience as:
- Bible Commentary Writer
- Corporate Language Instructor
- Technical Writer with Nokia Corporation
- French Embassy award-winning Poet
- Conference Speaker
- Book Editor
- Presidential Speech Writer, and
- Author with intellectual properties registered with the United States Library of Congress Copyright Office in Washington, DC.
- L’Université de Dakar, Diplôme Supérieur d’Études de Français (3e degré Supérieur), 1987
- University of Calabar, B.A. (HONS.) French/German, 1988
- University of Lagos, M.A. French (Emphasis on Translation), 1992
- University of Helsinki, Finland, B.Soc.Sc. in Political Science, 1st Class, 1999
- University of Applied Sciences, Finland, IBA Degree: Int. Business Acumen, 2000
- Catholic University of America, USA, Graduate Teacher Certification Program, 2003
- McDaniel University, USA, School Leadership and Administration I, 2005
- School Leaders Licensure Assessment, SLLA Administration II, USA, 2006
- University of Helsinki, Finland, PhD in Translation and Interpretation, English and French, 2007
Monographs and Books:
- Pryce, Peter. (2003, 2018, 2019). Foreignising Finnish – Necessary and Unnecessary English Imports into Translations is peer-reviewed, accepted, and has a journal publication in 2003 by the University of Natal in South Africa. However, September 2018 is the first time that it was published as an e-book online and subsequently appeared as a hard cover book in March 2019. ISBN: 978-9988-8799-4-5
- Pryce, Peter. (2006). Measuring Attitudes in Translation: A Study of Nokia Business Reports. Helsinki: Helsinki University Translation Studies Monographs 2, Vol. 2 Peter Pryce: Helsinki University Printing House. 324 pages. ISSN 1459-3246. ISBN 952-10-3414-9 (Paperback). ISBN 952-10-3415-7 (PDF)
- Pryce, Peter. (2012, 2018, 2019). Change as a Distinct Property of Language – Aspects of Language Variation, Acquisition, and Use is peer-reviewed, accepted, and has a journal publication in 2012 by the University of Cape Coast, in Ghana. However, September 2018 is the first time that it was published as an e-book online and subsequently appeared as a hard cover book in March 2019. ISBN 978-9988-8799-0-7
- Pryce, Peter. (2012, 2018, 2019). Attitudes to Translation – Linguistique et didactique de langue et de littérature: problématiques contemporaines et perspectives is peer-reviewed, accepted, and has a journal publication by the University of Lagos in Nigeria in 2012. However, September 2018 is the first time that it was published as an e-book online and subsequently appeared as a hard cover book in March 2019. ISBN 978–9988–2–7248–7
- Pryce, Peter. (2013, 2018, 2019). Techniques of Expression – The Conference Rapporteur is peer-reviewed, accepted, and has a journal publication in 2013 by the University of Education, Winneba, in Ghana. However, September 2018 is the first time that it was published as an e-book online and subsequently appeared as a hard cover book in March 2019. ISBN 978-9988-8799-5-2
- Pryce, Peter. (2013, 2018, 2019). Norms of Academic Writing is peer-reviewed, accepted, and was presented at the 3rd Annual International Colloquium of Language, Literature and Communication: Contexts, Practice and Pedagogy, Faculty of Languages Education, the University of Education, Winneba, in Ghana, from Wednesday 13th November – Thursday 14th November 2013. However, September 2018 was its first publication, as an e-book online and subsequently appeared for the first time in print as a hard cover book in March 2019. ISBN 978-9988-8799-3-8
- Pryce, Peter. (2018). Topics in Translation Review – Testing the Perfect Harmony Theory of Translation and Interpreting. Legon: Ghana Universities Press. 953 pages. ISBN 978-9988-2-2741-8
- Pryce, Peter. (2018). Salvation – Anointed Teachings. Mountain View, CA: Google Books. 756 pages. ISBN 978-9988-8799-1-4
- Pryce, Peter. (2019). Thematic Dictionary of Matthew – Intralingual Translation of Spiritual Themes. 48-Hour Books, Akron, Ohio. 617 pages. ISBN 978-9988-8800-2-6
- Pryce, Peter. (2019). Language Migration was first peer-reviewed, and accepted for journal publication by Translation Watch Quarterly, official journal of the Translation Standards Institute in Australia. However, September 2018 was its first publication, as an e-book online and subsequently appeared for the first time in print as a hard cover book in March 2019. ISBN 978-9988-8799-2-1
- Pryce, Peter. (2019). Français aux Anglophones – French for English Speakers. Pennsauken, New Jersey: BookBaby Publishers. 352 pages. ISBN 978-9988-8801-3-2 eBook. ISBN: 978-9988-8801-4-9 paper edition.
- Pryce, Peter. (2020). The Counseling Manual – Case Studies. INGRAM. One Ingram Blvd., La Vergne, Tennessee, 37086: 615-793-5000. 416 pages. ISBN 978-9988-8800-4-0 – paper edition. ISBN 978-9988-8800-9-5 – eBook edition.
- Pryce, Peter. (2020). Threatened…by the Truth. INGRAM. One Ingram Blvd., La Vergne, Tennessee, 37086: 615-793-5000. 654 pages. ISBN 978-9988-8801-8-7– paper edition. ISBN 978-9988-8800-1-9 – eBook edition.
Refereed articles in blind peer-reviewed academic journals:
- Pryce, Peter. (2003). Foreignising Finnish: Necessary/Unnecessary English Imports into Translations. Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa 14/2 (October, 2003), 203-12.
- Pryce, Peter. (2011). Gemeinschaft Concept of Community in Schools: Case Study of Prince George’s County Public Schools. International Journal of Basic Education, vol. 2(1), 1-9.
- Pryce, Peter. (2012). Attitudes to Translation. Linguistique et didactique de langue et de littérature : Problématiques contemporaines et perspectives (Linguistics and Language / Literature Didactics : Contemporary Challenges and Prospects), 343-377.
- Pryce, Peter. (2012). Change as a Distinct Property of Language. In Bariki, I., Kuupole, D. D. and Kambou, M. K. (Eds.), Aspects of Language Variation and Use. Cape Coast: University of Cape Coast Press, 1-14.
- Pryce, Peter. (2013). Techniques of Expression. International Journal of Educational Research and Development, vol. 2 (1), 1-9. 235-246.
Evidence of acceptance for publication in a refereed journal:
- Pryce, Peter. (2006). Nokia’s Role as an Agent of Language Migration. Translation Watch Quarterly. Patterson Lakes, Victoria, Australia: Translation Standards Institute.
Publication of conference proceedings:
- Pryce, Peter. (2002). Translation as a Medium for Transmitting New Ideas: Finland as a Case Study. In H. Kucerova & B. Knowlden (Eds.), XVI Vancouver World Congress of the International Federation of Translators: Translation: New Ideas for a New Century (151-155). Paris: Fédération internationale des traducteurs (FIT).
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Contact Info:
Phone: +1-301-793-7190