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  • “What exactly did Black People ever do? Like am generally asking: what did we ever do to deserve anti-blackness in every single community [of the world]? We were brought over here in chains [in the USA 1619 Project]! We were beaten, raped, and murdered! We fought for our freedom just to end up with Jim Crow, in Segregation, and being lynched by the KKK! We were segregated to our own communities, then denied jobs, denied funding for our schools! You kill our Black Men and make fun of us for not having fathers! You dehumanize and demonize and kill our Black Women and nobody bats an eye! What exactly did Black People do? What exactly did we do? [What is our collective crime that, for more than 400 years, we suffer a collective punishment of intense hatred and killing by “white people” (light pink people) all over the world?]”
  • Dear Readers of the Holy Bible:
    1. When I read the Book of Jeremiah, how am I supposed to understand it?
    2. How does the Book relate to me today, and what lessons am I to take away from it?
    3. There are 640 study topics in the Book of Jeremiah, which translate to some 640 hours of Bible lessons.
    4. Some of the lessons in Jeremiah that relate to you today center on the decadence in all the churches: the rottenness, the fraud, the thievery, the deceptions, the robbery, the lying, the fornications and adulteries, the false doctrines, and the occultic practices in the churches, all of which the LORD God Almighty blames on the Church Leaders! There is no evil deed in a nation that did not originate and spread forth from Pastors, Bishops, Church Leaders, and the Clergy! Jeremiah 50:6 (KJV), Jeremiah 23:15 (KJV).
    5. Therefore, the doctrine of Clergy Peer Control is the most stupid proposal that the most foolish and the worst educated men ever put on the table!
    6. The LORD God says it very plainly in the Holy Bible that congregations are being devoured by errant evil Pastors and incompetent uneducated Clergy, so, if God Almighty Himself has told you who the evil doers are and who the lions are, then, how deep is your stupidity as a Government to relinquish the control and oversight of the sheep to the very lions who devour them? Jeremiah 50:7 (KJV).
    7. Solution?
    8. Find out from this Book!
  • Marriage Counseling Textbook for Ministers Vol. 1 – is a most valuable study and reference material for the Spiritual Bible Training of Ministers, specifically for Marriage Counseling!
  • SPIRITUAL SUPERIORITY OF THE BLACK MAN contains hard Truths about Black People that God revealed in the Holy Scriptures Book of Acts: in defense of the SPIRITUAL SUPERIORITY OF THE BLACK MAN!
  • The revelations on this subject of “Church” in this book: HOW TO EXAMINE PASTORS: WHAT IS THE CHURCH AND WHY DOES IT MATTER?, have been deep, especially, its educational simplicity in showing, according to the Word of God, what a Church is and should be, the specific teachings that people can and should expect from a Church, the specific activities and behaviors that people can and should expect from Church Leaders! Quite simply, this is a Pastoral Verification Book that anyone who can read and write should acquire, and use it this way:
    1. Check all the Pastors whether they are truly called by God Almighty or by Satan!
    2. You simply have to read this book, and then,
    3. Hear your Pastor’s teaching and preaching, and then,
    4. Compare his teachings to what I have exposed here in this book, and then,
    5. Decide for yourself whether your Pastor is strictly following the LORD Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible, or, whether he gets his doctrines from Satan!
    If the answer is, yes, then, stay with your Pastor! If the answer is, no, then, leave immediately before your church becomes a death trap to you because of your ignorance and stupidity to follow a Cult Leader Pastor without verifying his/her teachings in the Holy Bible as the wise Bereans did and became saved! I have done the Pastoral Verification Work for you already in this Book, by showing you all the concepts and doctrines that he should be preaching to you, so, just read it and apply it to your Pastor, in order to know whether it was God who called him, or Satan! Isaiah 8:20 (KJV) To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. The LORD Jesus Christ give you understanding as you read this book. God bless you! Rev. Prof. PETER PRYCE, DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven
  • The Counsel of God is the Law/Word of God, the spiritual textbook needed to educate the spirit and soul away from beastly self-destructive traits! When there is no teaching of the Word of God the Holy Bible, then there is no God!
  • To the corrupt and rotten Ministers in the Body of Christ, shine the great and bright Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto their cast them out of the fold! It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ said that judgment will begin in the House of God because Satan and his Ministers now dwell in the churches...
  • In-depth research on praise and worship from Genesis to Revelation. In the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation, there are sixteen song ministrations in God-worship. In this book, find out everything that God Almighty says about Praise and Worship!
  • As a Qur’an Scholar, the Qur’an gives you this research task and sets the bar and the standard that: when you find contradictions and discrepancies in the Qur’an, then it is not from Allah! Refs: Sura 4:82. Sura 39:28. Did the research reveal any contradictions and discrepancies as the Qur’an stated? Find out!
  • Unlike the way we speak, mostly in plain language, terms, and references, here is the language of the LORD God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ where they speak: in parables, in proverbs, and in dark sayings! In other words, the name of the specific language and tongue that the LORD God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ speak is called “parables, proverbs, dark sayings, other tongues”! In the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation, the LORD God Almighty give us 51 evidences pointing to the way that God speaks!
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