Holy Communion, Vol. 6 – Research Study from Genesis to Revelation


In six volumes, each of them about 300 pages, I present to you research results, from Genesis–Revelation, on one of the cardinal doctrines of Christianity called Holy Communion, and the results will shock you!



This Book is Vol. #6 and is the last in the Holy Communion series. This concludes my research on Holy Communion in the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. I have made several discoveries on Holy Communion that I would not have been able to teach you prior to beginning this theological research.

Thus, by the Holy Spirit, it has been a very profound spiritual discovery experience for me also. If you are a diligent reader of the Word of God, then, you will not need to look very far to come to the correct conclusion that, not a single one of all the churches in the world is clean! All corporate Churches are utterly corrupt, degenerate, evil, and apostate according to the LORD Jesus Christ in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3!

If the rottenness began already in the Days of Moses with the idol Calf that Aaron made, or even with Eve and Adam, then, by multiplication over thousands of years, how do you assess the rottenness today?

2 Peter 2:1 (KJV) But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2000 years ago, when the LORD Jesus Christ completed the Christian Performance Audit Test Report on all the Churches in the world in Revelation 2:1-29 (KJV), there was not even one Church in the world that was clean enough for the Second Coming of Christ, save for a few people!

So, now, if that was the Church Performance Audit Results at that time, 2000 years ago, then, what do you suppose the results will be today when Pastoral evil has multiplied uncountably? Furthermore, if the Holy Communion that you are clinging on to today, came to you from the multiplied rottenness that followed the 2000-year-old rottenness of the Post-Resurrection Era, then, how deeply filthy is that Holy Communion that you claim to be your holy offering unto God Almighty?

So, then, since the Crucifixion and Resurrection are greater than the LORD’S Last Passover Supper (Holy Communion), why is it possible for me to be crucified and resurrected with Christ by the Faith of the Son of God, but it is NOT possible for me to perform the LORD’S Last Passover Supper (Holy Communion) by the same Faith of the Son of God?

Brother, how can you make offerings and sacrifices unto the Living God Almighty using dead things (wafers, wine, bread)? If you want to become spiritually educated on Holy Communion, to know everything that God Almighty has revealed in the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, then, read all the 6 Books in the series!

The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. The LORD Jesus Christ give you understanding.


DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD

A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven

Prophet of the Word of God

Book Details

TITLE: Holy Communion, Vol. 6 – Research Study from Genesis to Revelation.

IMPRINT: Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce, Ph. D.


RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Exegesis and Hermeneutics

RELIGION / Education

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources



AUDIENCE: College (Textbook)

KEYWORDS: Holy Communion, Biblical Studies, Exegesis and Hermeneutics, Pastoral Resources.

Print Information

Trim Size: 8.000″ x 10.000″ (254mm x 203mm)

Interior Color and Paper: Color: Color 50

Binding: Hardback: Case Laminate

Cover Finish: Gloss

Page Count: 238

Print ISBN: 978-1-77637-621-6

Spine Width: 0.56250 in (14.29 mm)

Carton Qty: 15

Weight: 1.592 lb (722.12 g)


Cost: $79

About The Author

Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce served for 10 years as a Public Servant French Teacher of the Maryland State Department of Education, USA, with competence in the IB Program, and is currently a Professor of Translation and Interpretation, a bilingual Scholar of Translation and Interpretation of the Holy Bible and the Qur’an, a French Language Scholar, a Theological Researcher and Scholar, a Christian Publisher, an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, an Anti-Racism Educator, a Bilingual Conference Interpreter, an Education Consultant, a Translator and Interpreter, and a Technical Writer. Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce holds a Ph.D. in Translation and Interpretation of French and English, with research interests in Translation Theory and Practice, and Sacred Text Analyses of the Bible and Qur’an.

Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce is certified and licensed in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia in School Leadership and Administration I & II. Rev. Dr. Pryce is a Professor of French and lives in Maryland, USA.

I am a native-level English and French language expert. I hold the following School Administrator credentials for School Principal and Assistant Principal: Maryland Candidate ID # 03779397 ETS SCHOOL LEADERSHIP SERIES 02/02/2006 – ADMIN 1 & 2.

In July 2020, Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce received a formal Letter of Appreciation from the United States White House; from President Donald Trump, in appreciation, after the US President received some free textbooks from Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce.

Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce often teaches on Radio and TV in the Bible and Qur’an Lecture Series drawing from his long experience as a Bible Commentary Writer, Corporate Language Instructor, Technical Writer with Nokia Corporation, French Embassy award-winning Poet, Conference Speaker, Book Editor, Presidential Speech Writer, and Author with intellectual properties registered with the United States Library of Congress Copyright Office in Washington, DC.

Four Presidents have encountered the writings of Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce namely: President Léopold Sédar Senghor of Senegal when Prof. Pryce was a student of French in the University of Dakar, Head of State Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida of Nigeria when Prof. Pryce was a student of French in the University of Dakar, President Jerry John Rawlings of Ghana when Prof. Pryce was a Ph.D. Lecturer of French in the University of Education, Winneba and was selected to write the President’s speech, and, finally, President Donald Trump of the USA.

Rev. Prof. Peter Pryce is currently devoting his time and energy to the writing and publishing of Christian Theological Research Textbooks for The Bible University and to the following services:

  1. Anti-Racism Awareness Training and Education.
  2. Anti-Racism Research, Racism Policy and Social Justice Initiatives.
  3. Post-Racism Traumatic Syndrome Alleviation Counseling.
  4. Mental and Spiritual Health Counseling Therapy for Post-Racism Rehabilitate and Traumatic Stress Alleviation.
  5. Inter-Ministerial Pastoral Training and Pastoral Accountability.
  6. Theological Research and Christian Publishing.
  7. Bilingual Conference Interpretation and Translation.
  8. Technical Writing.


DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD

A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven

Prophet of the Word of God

Professor of French, Silver Spring, MD, USA

Scholar of the Institute of Theologians, USA


Accreditation Number: 07-QCTO/SDP120723172836

SAQA QUAL ID: Identification # 101997




This Book is Vol. #6 and is the last in the Holy Communion series. This concludes my research on Holy Communion in the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. I have made several discoveries on Holy Communion that I would not have been able to teach you prior to beginning this theological research.

Thus, by the Holy Spirit, it has been a very profound spiritual discovery experience for me also. If you are a diligent reader of the Word of God, then, you will not need to look very far to come to the correct conclusion that, not a single one of all the churches in the world is clean! All corporate Churches are utterly corrupt, degenerate, evil, and apostate according to the LORD Jesus Christ in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3!

If the rottenness began already in the Days of Moses with the idol Calf that Aaron made, or even with Eve and Adam, then, by multiplication over thousands of years, how do you assess the rottenness today?

2 Peter 2:1 (KJV) But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2000 years ago, when the LORD Jesus Christ completed the Christian Performance Audit Test Report on all the Churches in the world in Revelation 2:1-29 (KJV), there was not even one Church in the world that was clean enough for the Second Coming of Christ, save for a few people!

So, now, if that was the Church Performance Audit Results at that time, 2000 years ago, then, what do you suppose the results will be today when Pastoral evil has multiplied uncountably? Furthermore, if the Holy Communion that you are clinging on to today, came to you from the multiplied rottenness that followed the 2000-year-old rottenness of the Post-Resurrection Era, then, how deeply filthy is that Holy Communion that you claim to be your holy offering unto God Almighty?

So, then, since the Crucifixion and Resurrection are greater than the LORD’S Last Passover Supper (Holy Communion), why is it possible for me to be crucified and resurrected with Christ by the Faith of the Son of God, but it is NOT possible for me to perform the LORD’S Last Passover Supper (Holy Communion) by the same Faith of the Son of God?

Brother, how can you make offerings and sacrifices unto the Living God Almighty using dead things (wafers, wine, bread)? If you want to become spiritually educated on Holy Communion, to know everything that God Almighty has revealed in the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, then, read all the 6 Books in the series!

The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. The LORD Jesus Christ give you understanding.


DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD

A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven

Prophet of the Word of God


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